Group Talent Development

New Leader Development:

On-going research in human resources indicates that most organizations experience a disappointment rate or failure rate of approximately 40% for new leaders 12 to 18 months into their assignment. This process is designed to increase the effectiveness of leaders who are newly appointed or assuming expanded roles.

Benefits of the process include:

Key phases of the process are:

1) Assessment

Facilitating personal insight and reflection is a significant goal of this segment of the process. The approach helps identify personal success factors through a structured interview and psychometric instruments. This review focuses the participant on behaviors contributing to prior successes and patterns to avoid in the future. Assessment data is then summarized, resulting in a gap analysis of leadership issues. The final step in this phase is the development of the new executive's strategy.

2) Appointment Charter

Too often, executives begin new leadership posts with an unclear or ambiguous charge. Clear understanding of the participant's responsibilities, rolls, objectives, deliverables and limits is critical to the new leader's success. Analysis of the charter yields a "twelve month road map".

3) Effectively Entering into a New Leadership Role

Development of the new leader's knowledge/skill to assure success with the key initiatives is the focus of Phase III and is significantly enhanced by the coaching process. The 12-month roadmap guides and provides benchmarks to evaluate progress.

4) Achieving Impact and Staying Power in New Leader Roles

Participant and coach strategize specific action plan to sustain gains achieved in Phase II and III. The plan supports three and six-month goals of the 12-month roadmap and focuses on accomplishment of the most critical deliverables in the appointment charter.